Saturday, August 24, 2013

Promote What You Love Instead of What You Hate

Yesterday on Facebook I reposted a simple picture of someone's hands holding a daisy with the caption "Promote What You Love Instead of What You Hate".  Since then the message has been sticking around in my head and won't go away.  It resonated so much with me partly because I have been making a conscious effort to be positive lately. I am doing it for my own mental and physical health.  I have been having a lot of chest pain in the past few months related to stress, so I have to try to change the way I deal with things or it could eventually mean the end of me. I am the Mother of four sons, I'm guessing my kids would appreciate it if I stuck around a little longer.

There are so many angry people on earth right now -more than there ever has been (literally, I'm quite sure considering how large the Earth's population has grown). I've seen so much more of of the "Us vs Them" mentality over the past few years it's quite disheartening. I have gotten to know quite a few people over the years and their beliefs, both spiritual or political are all across the spectrum. I purposefully try to reach out and befriend people regardless of these values because I really want to understand and find common ground with people. Trying to understand and get along with everyone can be stressful. I care, about many things. I want to leave this place a better place for my children and everyone else's children as well.  Much of where the stress comes from is not just caring but feeling a hopeless, helpless in the face of things I can't control ( I know about this on a personal level as well. I am a single Mom trying to help my youngest son who has disabilities - some of which we still are looking for a diagnosis for and at the same time, trying to keep us out of poverty and sane.)

Today I took my youngest son Jeremy to see the sci-fi movie "Elysium".  It was quite thought provoking, especially for Jeremy. His comment at the end of the movie was "they could have taken care of and saved all of those people and they chose not to". If we can't, as human beings and citizens of this fragile little planet collectively work towards common goals and solutions to save ourselves, we're doomed.  Just like all of the popular dystopian novels and movies have been trying to tell us all of these years. Angry re-posts of hateful articles and memes aren't accomplishing anything except fueling more anger. Where is this anger leading to? We have to work together to help each other and to save ourselves.  Please, try to think beyond yourself and promote positive solutions for everyone, not just your own little tribe because if we don't your little tribe won't make it either. Let's work on it together.  Peace.


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